Steam Demo NEXT FEST

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Steam Demo NEXT FEST
Release date
Demo build 104

  • Game is localized into 15 languages

  • Added option to rename heroes
  • Added marker for world events
  • Hero cards display base health, mana, shield, rage, element and damage
  • Added icon for the targeting mode of an ability
  • Ballistae can be clicked and dragged to the other wall spot like any other unit
  • Bottom bar slides in on day start
  • Tabs can be navigated with right stick and shoulder buttons
  • Outposts directly give the reward instead of dropping it
  • Added statistics for max glory and total coins, faith and shards collect in a run
  • Max glory gets displayed instead of furthest day when starting a new run
  • Minibosses get more red the less health they have
  • Minibosses can be fought on boss day again
  • Bosses always drop shards
  • Removed daily limit for improving meat
  • New effect for when a monster drops shards
  • Pirates do not appear until you've met the Gnomes
  • Pirates added sound when they appear
  • Keywords are explained when upgrading a Guardian
  • Heroes spawned at night walk into tavern
  • Heroes on towers have increased range (again)
  • Added Hooded Horse splash screen
  • Improved game start framerate and transition to title screen
  • Alert messages have a background
  • Button prompts have a background
  • Added more tooltips for abilities
  • Term damage separated into attack and damage
  • Heroes button displays heroes name on hover
  • Assigning and removing workers are separate commands and can be rebound
  • The buttons Q, E can be freely rebound
  • Restored starting resources have a socket
  • When picking starting resources clicking on a resource removes it
  • Building selection displays if tax is coins or faith
  • Unselected starting resources appear as orbs
  • Weakness effect animation expands again now
  • Relics have a golden border now
  • Tavern food pile spawns over time
  • Tavern statistics are a bit faster
  • Improved fading out of UI elements on overlays
  • Settings improved visibility of selected option
  • Improved many UI element's handling of more characters in different languages
  • Clicking edge of screen does not close settings anymore
  • Title screen skip can still be done until the knight reaches the king
  • Heroes and animals do not use the unity animation system anymore to save performance and make it faster to add new ones
  • Animals start on a random animation frame
  • Achievements gained on death are still being displayed
  • Input settings have a title
  • Optimized burn status effect
  • Reduced volume of title screen start sound
  • Removed the stat status amount and status duration modifier

  • Adjusted health of many heroes
  • Lich uses mana
  • Pixie does holy damage
  • Dinosaur reduced damage scaling by 6%
  • Leech reduced cooldown by 0.25s
  • Kaiju changed lasers angle
  • Satyr increased damage scaling by 10%
  • Werewolf increased damage scaling by 10%
  • Werewolf reduced cooldown by 10%
  • Werewolf has a bit of rage
  • Lizard increased damage scaling by 8%
  • Pixie increased base damage by 25%
  • Shaman's secondary reduced mana cost
  • Fire Elemental targets strongest
  • Fire Elemental reduced cooldown from 2s to 1.75s
  • All items are percentage based now
  • Cloak and Helmet increased effect by 100%
  • Crossbowman's passive only applies to heroes without rage
  • Treants's passive only applies to heroes without mana
  • Dryad is now animated while casting
  • Animal deer has three lives now, but is not as fast anymore
  • Siege engines are ranged
  • Fixed freeze when clicking on a character with a dialogue while zoomed out
  • Fixed workers refusing to work at random
  • Fixed language switching
  • Fixed deaths counting repeatedly in some cases
  • Fixed duping by minimizing and spending the resource
  • Fixed Mason getting stuck on the church
  • Fixed missing animation for heroes being pinned
  • Fixed monsters hitting a hero not considered dead
  • Fixed many status effects animations displayed behind entity or in front of all entities
  • Fixed taunt status effect animation not stopping when a taunted entity is getting hit
  • Fixed every day being windy
  • Fixed stats displayed on hero buttons may be false until moving a hero
  • Fixed stat modifiers not changing damage in some cases
  • Fixed secondaries applying only to a specific element not properly getting displayed on the affected hero
  • Fixed hero and relic selections endlessly trying to find something to offer
  • Fixed a tile in the city not being walkable
  • Fixed status effect wet not doing anything
  • Fixed Fire Elemental's fireball weird flight path when losing target
  • Fixed Kaiju not hitting monsters
  • Fixed Ghost not doing dark damage
  • Fixed monsters with fear or confusion do not turn towards where they first run
  • Fixed heroes still being red after death
  • Fixed range of a hero still showing up when clicking on a hero fast
  • Fixed unavailable fish swarms visbile
  • Fixed fish swarms not properly animated directly after loading
  • Fixed caught fishes not visible in port
  • Fixed Merchant's description
  • Fixed Crossbowman's ability description after upgrading him
  • Fixed Skeletons's ability description after upgrading him
  • Fixed Magus as monster having no shadow
  • Fixed health bars still visible when pressing ALT after combat is over
  • Fixed health bar hidden once rage is full
  • Fixed health bar showing for empty rage
  • Fixed health bar showing on day start
  • Fixed health bar not hiding when rage gets empty
  • Fixed boost sound in pause mode
  • Fixed skipping before morning starts affected rolled options
  • Fixed scene transition buttons like continue could be clicked multiple times
  • Fixed all relics overlay
  • Fixed cursor when clicking cards
  • Fixed cards description lines overlapping
  • Fixed cards description icons not being displayed properly if they are the only thing on a new line
  • Fixed viewing a single relic
  • Fixed tavern statistics displaying NaN when the value is 0
  • Fixed experience bar when being at max level
  • Fixed old shrines if they are still in a save
  • Fixed loading a save of the first day offers starting resources again
  • Fixed camera not being on the right position on day start
  • Fixed background noise at the start of the day
  • Fixed no sound when pressing cancel button on starting resource selection when not clicking on a resource
  • Fixed tavern scene still accepting inputs when in pause menu
  • Fixed pause menu not blurring tavern
  • Fixed pause menu could be opened again directly after pressing exit
  • Fixed mouse cursor not grabbing when handling scrollbars or sliders
  • Fixed building selection navigation to scrollbar with gamepad
  • Fixed building selection scrollbar over buttons when reopening the same selection
  • Fixed building overlay not enough resources message
  • Fixed working Portal not making sounds anymore
  • Fixed error when buying a hero slot while not having a tavern build and not having done the tutorial for buying spots
  • Fixed hero spots permanently visible when canceling purchasing a slot
  • Fixed hero spots visible in cutscenes
  • Fixed disabled hero spots not getting enabled again if trying to purchase a new spot
  • Fixed UI staying hidden after speaking to a guy with one eye
  • Fixed tavern cheat working outside of editor
  • Fixed keywords explained multiple times when multiple abilities have them
  • Fixed cursor not changing to default when opening a message overlay
  • Fixed refresh rate resetting each game start
  • Fixed exiting out of input and settings with escape
  • Fixed selecting input options with controller
  • Fixed rebinding some of the inputs
  • Fixed input settings staying on scroll position when reopening
  • Fixed settings still active behind input settings
  • Fixed browsing input settings and outposts with controller
  • Fixed scrolling input settings and outposts with mouse
  • Fixed apply workers input prompts not displaying
  • Fixed building input prompts in wrong position
  • Fixed boost button prompt being in front of overlays
  • Fixed clock gems not getting blue
  • Fixed clock reclaim and flag tooltip not displaying button images
  • Fixed clock flag button tooltip cutoff
  • Fixed clock handle still being visible when UI is not visible
  • Fixed buy buttons value not being centered
  • Fixed tooltips alignment
  • Fixed wrong tooltips following mouse
  • Fixed unit button tooltips having a variable distance to the avatar
  • Fixed I and J button images being switched
  • Fixed frost arrows description not using keyword freeze
  • Fixed unit details button wrongly saying max rank
  • Fixed elemental tower sacrificing not localizable
  • Fixed game over screen not localizable
  • Fixed cursor staying held down after buying guardian power-up
  • Fixed thank you message okay button
  • Fixed visible cloud border
  • Fixed tutorial road building pan camera towards battle zone