Playtest RC 39

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Playtest RC 39
Release date
Playtest RC 38
  • Early game balancing
  • More work on the map
  • Added 1s display of current day each morning as transition between loading and gameplay
  • Added body parts, bones, leaves, green blood and ectoplasm to splatter system
  • Improved hero upgrade UI and descriptions
  • Food amount gets red if not enough meals for all units
  • Minibosses tell their HP before you have to fight them
  • World event spots are now marked with an X
  • Cartographer display todays monsters stats and supports bosses now
  • Boss spawns do not drop treasure or count for glory anymore
  • Disable player input and ui before fading day out
  • Resource outposts better explained
  • Fixed carriers not looking for resources directly after upgrading castle
  • Fixed problems with building walls
  • Fixed no treasure collecting sound when paused
  • Fixed hungry and boost effect not removed on death
  • Fixed stone z sorting
  • Fixed background images in unit details
  • Fixed camera edges
  • Fixed dragging units when cut scenes start
  • Fixed goldmine stored gold not visible