Demo build 90

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Demo build 90
Release date
Demo build 89
  • Added new stat: Rage!
  • The more rage, the less damage received
  • While rage is full units do 25% more damage
  • Attacking generates rage, but its lost over time

  • Reworked tutorial (thanks Emily!)
  • Changed term Hero to Guardian
  • Changed term rebuild to restore
  • Changed term expand to reclaim
  • Changed tiny details on Amaya's sprite
  • Removed little health bars under units
  • Camera pans towards bridge on road building tutorial
  • Added new separate tutorial step for glory

  • Fixed mason getting stuck when developing a vein on the same day
  • Fixed unit feeding tutorial not coming up after buying slot
  • Fixed Cyclops not stunning sometimes
  • Fixed buildings still thinking the mouse is over them when closing their overlay
  • Fixed roads being built twice