Demo build 86

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Demo build 86
Release date
Demo build 85
  • Improved sorting and display of resources in some buildings
  • Performance optimizations

  • Bonfire's evolved monsters get spawned additionally to the normal wave (so it affects glory again)
  • Provokes increased minimum amount of monsters spawned, but decreased how much more get spawned in later waves
  • Increased maximum workers in Windmill and Brewery to 3
  • Reduced wood and stone outposts price

  • Fixed Pirates offering more than one resource
  • Fixed Lumberyard counting saplings as trees for worker assignment
  • Fixed Windmill not accepting 3 wheat
  • Fixed provoking creatures that have no monster yet
  • Fixed Cyclops attacking two units sometimes
  • Fixed hovering unit's button while dragging one
  • Fixed multiple units walk or idle animations not looping
  • Fixed unit being hit by dead boss