Demo build 52

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Demo build 52
Release date
Demo build 51
  • New unit: Water Elemental

  • Added relics for Leech and Ghost
  • Added another dialogue for the first day
  • When upgrading veins it shows where tracks can go
  • Quest buildings have a question mark once the quest is done
  • Unit cards display the max rank achieved
  • Workers walk directly to the entrance of buildings when coming from below or above
  • Elementals cannot be sacrificed anymore
  • Flag button is localizable
  • Renamed Invite spots to Outposts
  • Carriers are mules now

  • Increased radius the geologist searches around the flag
  • Ghost flies a bit longer

  • Fixed Wind Elemental having no hit animation
  • Fixed upgrade button visible for Elementals
  • Fixed attacks fade out effect not affected by game speed