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Glory is not a resource
defeating enemies

Glory is earned by defeating enemies and lost when a hero is downed. Glory allows expanding your kingdom. Using glory will not spend it.


The glory per day is calculated as follows:

  • +1 ×  Glory for each 10 monsters defeated
  • +3 ×  Glory for defeating a boss
  • -2 ×  Glory for each of your hero downed


Glory is used to expand your kingdom by building roads. Unlocked roads persist between cycles and play an important role in the global progression. See Human Kingdom for details on which roads you can unlock.

Tactics to increase Glory

Sometimes there are monsters on the map at specific marked locations (link to a map 1, link to a map 2) which you can provoke (click on them), so they'll attack on that evening in addition to the usual attackers.

Increase the Curse level for a cycle at the start or by building a Bonfire to increase the chance of evolved monsters for more glory.