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Properties of units

Stats of units describe their properties which mainly affects combat.

General stats


Damage describe the amount of damage the unit applies when it attacks enemies.


Health (Health Points, HP) describe the hit points of a unit. When attacked they can decrease and once they reach 0, the unit is downed.


Mana Some units have mana instead of health. Attacking costs them mana. Mana regenerates faster the fuller it is.


Shield describe the general resistance of a unit, it usually decreases the received damage.


Rage The more rage, the less damage received. While rage is full units do 25% more damage. Attacking generates rage, but its lost over time and by the unit taking damage.

Critical Chance

Critical Chance describes the probability an attack deals critical damage, which is much higher than the usually dealt damage.

Physical Defense

Physical Defense describe the resistance versus physical damage.

Magical Defense

Magical Defense describe the resistance versus magical damage.


Knockback effects the distance enemies are pushed back when attacked.


Ranges in m on the fighting area

Range describes the distance an attack can reach (e.g. an arrow).


Area (Area of Effect, AoE) describes the area an action has effect on. Usually it's range is circular and the dimensions are given by its radius or diameter.


Speed effects velocity of the unit when moving.


Cooldown describes the time between a repetition of an action, e.g. the time between shooting arrows.


Duration of effects.

Extra player stats

These stats are exlusive to the player and can have global effects on the cycle.


Greed effects the amount of Shards you gain after a run is over.


Reroll allows to exchange the displayed units with random other ones in a unit selection window, e.g. in a shop.


Banish on unit selection screens units can be banned and won't show up in later selections.

Global Stats


Curse effects the difficulty of a cycle. The higher the curse, the more and stronger the enemies (one day per curse increase). The curse of a cycle can be selected at the start.


  • Curse was orginally a Guardian power up, this was moved in Demo build 41
  • Charm Was an additional upgrade purchasable as a Guardian upgrade which Increases the amount of enemies by 20% each rank. Added in Playtest RC 28 and removed in Demo build 17
  • Revival Was an additional upgrade purchasable as a Guardian upgrade which was intended to revive the Guardian once downed. Added in Playtest RC 28 and removed in Demo build 41
  • Magnet Was an additional upgrade purchasable as a Guardian upgrade which was intended to make collection of Greed.png Treasure easier. In earlier builds collection of Greed.png Treasure (the Shards equivalent resource) was manual with the drops needing to be hovered over with the cursor to collect. Added in Playtest RC 28 and removed in Demo build 41