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Workers gather, process and carry resources in Super Fantasy Kingdom.


Workers need accomodations to work for the kingdom. In the beginning there is one worker in the Castle. You can build Houses with Wood to increase the amount of workers. Later you can upgrade the village on the right on the map to permanently unlock more workers.


Workers cannot be controlled directly, rather the needed workers on a building is set. If there are more tasks than workers, the workers will decide which task to do first.

This building can host 3 workers (3 head icons). Currently 1 is working at the building (white frame around head icon) and 2 are assigned to the building (2 bright head icons)

When hovering over a building, the possible assignable workers are displayed with a head icon above the building. Using the mouse wheel lets you adjust the assigned workers. A white frame around a head icon indicates the worker is working in this building. A bright head icon without a white border represents an assigned worker who is not yet working at the building (i.e. doing different work or there are not enough workers). A shaded head icon represents a working place not currently assigned.

In this building there no workers assigned, indicated by a wooden sign before the building

If no workers are assigned to a building, a wooden sign is shown in front of the building.

In this building there are more workers assigned than available work, indicated by a red sign before the building

If too many workers are assigned to a building, a red sign is shown in front of the building. This can happen if too many workers are assigned to the quarry when there are not enough stone deposits for all of them. The assigned workers then chose a different work.


Workers have a variety of different looks depending on which building they are assigned to.