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Building slot
Building costs
10 ×  Berries
10 ×  Fish
10 ×  Bread
20 ×  Beer
99 ×  Meat of each kind


Building Upgrade
Add chamber, +2 Appeal
Upgrade Costs
8 ×  Board

The Tavern is a Building in Super Fantasy Kingdom, used to store food, allow your heroes to rest and eat at night. Assigning workers to the Tavern lets them collect Berries.

The tavern is the first building to be built.


Upgrading the Tavern Before Demo build 67 allowed you to place more heroes on the battlefield to defend your kingdom and increase the number of heroes you can recruit. This was replaced with the Appeal System

Upgrade Costs Effect
1 3 ×  Wheat
2 ×  Board
2 more places for heroes, max 7 heroes
2 6 ×  Wheat
4 ×  Board
2 more places for heroes, max 9 heroes
3 9 ×  Wheat
6 ×  Board
1 more places for heroes, max 11 heroes
4 12 ×  Wheat
8 ×  Board
2 more places for heroes, max 13 heroes
5 15 ×  Wheat
10 ×  Board