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Building Upgrade
2x storage amount
Upgrade Costs
Stone.png × 3
Stone.png × 3 + Ore.png × 2
Ingot.png × 5

The castle is your starting building. It's used as storage for non edible resources. Carriers and idle workers will transport all non edible resources to the castle. Only resources stored in the castle can be spent.

Building fortifications grants more place for ranged Heroes and allows to build the Balista on them in the Siege Camp.

Idle workers.png

If there are any idle workers it will be displayed with a white number at the bottom right of the castle


The upgrades double the max possible amount for each stored resources, allowing to store more and buy more expensive buildings and upgrades.

Icon State Upgrade cost Max storage amount
Castle-01.png Base - 4
Castle-02.png Repaired Stone.png × 3 8
Castle-03.png Upgrade 1 Stone.png × 3 Ore.png × 2 16
Castle-04.png Upgrade 2 Ingot.png × 5 32
Name Purchase cost Benefit
Wooden Walls.png Wooden Walls Board.png × 5 Stats of all Heroes get increased slightly
Wooden Gate.png Wooden Gate Board.png × 4 Space for 1 Hero
Wooden Tower.png Wooden Tower Board.png × 4 Space for 1 Hero
Stone Walls.png Stone Walls Stone.png × 5 Stats of all Heroes get increased
Stone Gate.png Stone Gate Stone.png × 6 +2 Recruitment XP Bonus
Stone Tower.png Stone Tower Stone.png × 8 +3 Recruitment XP Bonus