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Come into my spirit world
Help the merchant on the map to fix their cart
Hermit: Free
Adventurer: 2 ×  Ingot
Portal: Ore variable
outpost: 75 ×  Coins
Upgrade Costs
Ingot.png × 2 ⯈ 6 ⯈ 11
Placeable in tower
Stone Tower.png yes
Damage Type
Attack Style

The Shaman is a unit in Super Fantasy Kingdom. It can appear as a monster that attacks your kingdom and it can be recruited as a hero to fight for you.The Shaman's attacks do Magic Damage and have no element. The Shaman shoots a beam which drains the life of its target and applies Shock to the target. The Shaman's passive unlocked from the Witch allows the shaman to summon the spirit of a doe to tank hits by applying Taunt to monsters nearby. The Shaman's lifedrain attack will also heal the doe for any damage dealt. shaman will spawn its doe only if the spots in front of Shaman are empty.

The Shaman can be placed on Towers.


Help the merchant on the map to fix their cart with 3 ×  Board.


The Shaman gains XP and will level up when eating at the Tavern.

StatsBase Gain12345678910
Damage.png DamageStatBase1.png StatGain3.png714233345597389105123
Mana.png ManaStatBase2.png StatGain2.png12151924303643505866
Shield.png ShieldStatBase0.png StatGain0.png0000000000
Critical Chance.png Critical ChanceStatBase0.png StatGain0.png0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%
Physical Defense.png Physical DefenseStatBase0.png StatGain0.png0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%
Magical Defense.png Magical DefenseStatBase0.png StatGain0.png0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%


The second, passive ability can be unlocked at the Witch for 100 ×  Shards.

Active: Lifedrain
Magical damage
Cooldown.png 2s • Range.png 50-100m
Continuously drains Health.png of target to heal the conjured spirit
Applies Shock
Upgrade1.png Hits 2 targets
Upgrade2.png Hits 3 targets
Upgrade3.png Hits 5 targets
Passive: Doe for defense
Cooldown.png 1s
Conjures the spirit of a doe to take hits
Upgrade3.png 3x Health.png
Applies Taunt to Monsters

Upgrade1.png2 ×  Ingot*
Upgrade2.png6 ×  Ingot*
Upgrade3.png11 ×  Ingot*

*Each time an upgrade for any hero is bought with ingots, the costs of all these upgrades is increased by 1 ×  Ingot for that cycle.


Dwelling (Shaman).png
Dwelling of the Shaman
Witch Doctor.png
Witch Doctor

The Shaman evolves into the Witch Doctor. To evolve a hero they must be upgraded to Upgrade3.png, which requires you to have thier dwelling on the map. This can be done by building it on an outpost spot, or by discovering it on the map while playing the Barbarian Kingdom.


The Shaman is required for the following Relics:

The Shaman benefits from the following Relics:


since Shamans doe can taunt, and its doe will be spawned one space ahead of your furthest bought slot on the battlefield, Shaman is the best way to use the relic Holy Light.