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Gain resources or invite Heroes or guests
Glory needed
3 ×  Glory
111 ×  Glory

An Outpost is a location in Super Fantasy Kingdom that can be discovered on the Map once you have 3 ×  Glory and an additional one can be discovered at 111 ×  Glory.

A structure can be built here once per run (except bonfires) for some Coins. Additional structure options can be purchased from Amaya at the Cartographer. A foreign hero's respective outpost is required to upgrade to it's Upgrade3.png form. The option to build a specific hero's outpost becomes available once that hero has been summoned to your kingdom.

Name Benefit Purchase Cost Build Cost
Wood.pngWoodpileGet 3 ×  Wood0 ×  Shards10 ×  Coins
Wheat.pngHaybaleGet 3 ×  Wheat0 ×  Shards15 ×  Coins
Stone.pngOutcropGet 3 ×  Stone0 ×  Shards20 ×  Coins
Ore.pngDepositGet 2 ×  Ore150 ×  Shards25 ×  Coins
Apple.pngHunting GroundsGet 3 ×  Meat300 ×  Shards30 ×  Coins
Faith.pngFaith!Get 30 ×  Faith750 ×  Shards35 ×  Coins
Recruitment XP Bonus.pngRecruitment XP BonusGet 3 ×  Recruitment XP Bonus600 ×  Shards40 ×  Coins
Bonfire.pngBonfire Increases chance of Evolution by 10% 450 ×  Shards45 ×  Coins
Dwelling (Runescribe).pngDwellingRequired to evolve foreign Heroes0 ×  Shards50 ×  Coins
Armory.pngArmoryGet a random Relic900 ×  Shards60 ×  Coins
Prison.pngPrisonGet a random summonable hero1050 ×  Shards75 ×  Coins


  • The "Oracle 1 ×  Reroll", "Sacrificial Altar 1 ×  Banish" and "Fairy circle 1 ×  Revival" were removed in Demo build 75 when the outpost system was reworked.
  • Outposts previously required a certain threshold of glory to be reached before an outpost could be built. Most notably 50 ×  Glory to evolve a hero and several others being unobtainable.