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Stone Walls.png
Increases hero stats and provides places for ranged heroes

The walls are an upgrade of your town that can be bought at the castle. Walls will increase the stats of your heroes and can be equipped with Balistas from the Siege Camp. Further upgrading the walls with towers can provide places for some ranged heroes and magic heroes, which then can participate in fighting with an increased Range.png range and are protected from damage. Wooden walls will increase the stats of your heroes by half of what they would earn on level up, the upgrade to stone walls provides an additional boost, bringing all heroes stats up to the same as if they were a level higher.

Name Purchase cost Benefit
Wooden Walls.png Wooden Walls Board.png × 5 Stats of all Heroes get increased slightly
Wooden Gate.png Wooden Gate Board.png × 4 Space for 1 Hero
Wooden Tower.png Wooden Tower Board.png × 4 Space for 1 Hero
Stone Walls.png Stone Walls Stone.png × 5 Stats of all Heroes get increased
Stone Gate.png Stone Gate Stone.png × 6 +2 XP for new Heroes
Stone Tower.png Stone Tower Stone.png × 8 +3 XP for new Heroes