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??? is some sort of researcher, a character in Super Fantasy Kingdom. It stands near the beach and is visible from the start of the game. Once you have discovered it's location by building the 3 ×  Glory road it will tell the player to come back once they are stronger and have faced their fears. This is implying that the player must unlock Curse and speak to them again.

??? Revealed

Once the player speaks to them again in a cycle with a curse ??? will lower its hood revealing its form and tell the player to capture a monster to see its stats. This places a trap on the battlefield and if a damaged monster walks over it there is a chance it becomes trapped. The more damage the monster has taken the higher the chance it becomes trapped.


  • In early versions of the game there was a monster catching mechanic somewhat similar to the current version its was removed in Playtest RC 28 and reworked and re added in Demo build 88