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Every afternoon, monsters will attack your kingdom and all of them must be defeated to progress to the next day. Once it becomes night, the monster will become enraged.

Hit heroes will lose health points until they reach zero, at which point they become Downed. Downed heroes can be revived using the Tavern or the Graveyard. Heroes revived using the Tavern do not receive XP from food consumed during night.

Currently, the only way to lose combat is for your Guardian to become downed. Even if all other heroes remain standing, the Guardian being downed will automatically end the game.

Damage and Defense

There are 2 types of damage outside of effects: Physical Damage and Magic Damage. Both have stat counterparts called Physical Defense.png Physical Defense and Magical Defense.png Magical Defense, which reduce damage taken by a percentage. A value of 20% Physical Defense.png Physical Defense will reduce any Physical Damage taken by 20%.


Some abilities also have an associated element with them. Some races have weaknesses to these elements as well as some heroes will power up other heroes with specific elements. The current elements are:


Some abilities have additional effects they can cause:


  • Confusion (Confusion makes monster run in a random direction)
  • Fear (Fear causes monsters to run away)
  • Sleep (Sleep immobilizes target until it gets attacked)
  • Stun (Stun immobilizes target for 1s)
  • Taunt (Taunt attracts targets for 5s)


  • Fatigue (Fatigue decreases physical defense by 20%)
  • Freeze (Freeze: +20% cooldown and -20% movement speed)
  • Radiance (Radiance decreases magical defense by 20%)
  • Shock (Shock increases chance to receive critical hits by 25%)
  • Wet (Wet increases status effect duration by +20%)
  • Weakness (Weakness decreases damage by 40% for 7.5 seconds.)


  • Bleeding (Bleeding applies 20% health as direct damage once over a threshold)
  • Burn (Burn X applies X damage every second)
  • Poison (Poison X applies X damage every second; stacks)


  • Barrier (Barrier makes invincible but vanishes 0.5s after being hit)
  • Overheal (Overheal X heals X health not limited by maximum)
  • Rejuvenate (Rejuvenate X heals X health per second)


Each Hero has a couple of classifications which help determine its role in combat and its strengths. There are 3 categories: Movement, Attack Style and Role.


There are three types of Movement: Infantry, Airborne and Cavalry.

Attack Styles

There are four Styles of Attack: Melee, Ranged, Magic and Summoner.


There are three Roles: Tank, Damage dealer and Support.